• All numbers to be collected from the clubhouse. We do request one person per club/ school collect all of their team numbers.
• Toilets and changing facilities are available in the clubhouse at Monkton Stadium.
• Maps of the course will be available on the day.
• Please use the car park where you can. If you do park in the surrounding streets please be courteous around driveways and narrow parts of the village.
• Bedeswell Park is across the road from Monkton carpark. Take extra care crossing the road to the entrance of the park.
• First race will start at 11am year 4 girls and each race will run as soon as all competitors are through the finish line and results have been collated.
• Medals for the top three in the race will be presented at the end of the race. School medals will be presented to the schools along with the Shield next week.
• Results will be published as soon as they have been checked
• Don’t forget your pins and most of all enjoy your run!!